The Legendary Community
Community Members and Links
Upper Deck Games
Upper Deck produces the Marvel Legendary Game. Useful links for their site are listed below:
Bageltop Games
Bageltop Games is one of the leading community content creators for Marvel Legendary. He also runs the most active discord community.
Owner/operator of LegendaryLeagues.com
Travelsized's Extra Life page to raise funds for kids and get special "promo" cards
Master-Strike Card Database
Facebook Groups
These are a few Facebook groups where you can chat with like-minded fans of Marvel Legendary.
Marvel Legendary Deck Building Game
Solo Boardgamers Legendary Group
“BoardGameGeek is an online resource and community that aims to be the definitive source for board game and card game content. The site is updated on a real-time basis by its large and still growing user base — more than two million registered users! — making the Geek the largest and most up-to-date place to get gaming information! You can become a registered member of BGG for free, although we welcome your contributions to the site in the form of ratings, reviews, and thoughts on games to the existing database!
BGG features reviews, ratings, images, play-aids, translations, and session reports from board game geeks around the world, as well as live discussion forums.”
Complete Card Text - For when you want to easy search the text of all cards
Card Rankings
Rank the Marvel Legendary cards here and compare with scores from other fans of the game.
Custom Card Database
Legendary Marvel Spain (YouTube channel)
Legendary Marvel Spain es un canal centrado en Marvel Legendary. Aquí podrás encontrar vídeos de partidas, análisis de héroes, Noticia y poderosas combinaciones para tus encuentros. En resumen, un canal legendario sobre un juego legendario.