Marvel Legendary Promo Cards

While some of the cards below may have images available online, I only use images for cards I personally own or that have been used by Upper Deck in marketing. If you would like to assist me in acquiring any missing promo materials, please reach out to me: .

LPC 1 En Sabah Nur (Apocalypse Mastermind)

LPC 1(.5) En Sabah Nur w/ Dice Tower Logo

LPC 2 Hulk - Hulk Smash Joe Jusko Painted

LPC 3 Symbiote Spider-Man Thwip! - Joe Jusko Painted

LPC 4 Green Goblin- Joe Jusko Painted

LPC 5 Dr. Strange VS Style

LPC 6 Nick Fury VS Style

LPC 7 Odin VS Style

LPC 8 Professor X VS Style

LPC 9 Venom - Symbiote Takeover

LPC 10 Venom - Devour

LPC 11 Venom - Horrify the Populace

LPC 12 Venom - Ravenous Greed

LPC 13 Mysterio - Psychedelic Mist

LPC 14 Mysterio - Shifting Decoy

LPC 15 Mysterio - Holographic Illusion

LPC 16 Mysterio - False Reflection

LPC 17 Nimrod

LPC 18 Madelyne Prior

LPC 19 Wasteland Hulk

LPC 20 Zombie Green Goblin

LPC 21 Zombie Venom Generously donated by Jalt.

LPC 21(.5) Wang Chi (Shake the Pillars of Heaven) from Big Trouble in Little China (BTiLC)

Card generously donated by Jalt.

LPC 22 Sorcerous Lo Pan (BTiLC)

Image generously donated by Jalt.

LPC 23 Six Shooter (BTiLC)

Image supplied by Shadow Archer

LPC 24 Unleash the Power of the Cosmic Cube (Foil, Alternate Art) Organized Play Kit 1 (OPK1)

LPC 25 Loki (Mastermind, Acrylic) (OPK1)

LPC 26 Thor - God of Thunder (Foil) (OPK1)

Playmat (OPK1)

LPC 27 Organized Crime Wave (Foil, Alternate Art) (OPK2)

LPC 28 Kingpin (Mastermind, Acrylic) (OPK2)

LPC 29 Daredevil - The Man Without Fear (Foil) (OPK2)

Playmat (OPK2)

LPC 30 Invade the Daily Bugle News HQ (Foil, Alternate Art) (OPK3)

LPC 31 Mysterio (Mastermind, Acrylic) (OPK3)

LPC 32 Symbiote Spider-Man - Thwip! (Foil) (OPK3)

Playmat (OPK3)

LPC 33 Detective Wolverine (Bystander, Noir first print)

LPC 34 Magik (Bystander, X-Men first print)

LPC 35 Damage Control (Bystander, Spider-Man Homecoming first print)

LPC 35(.5) Dingoes Ate My Baby (Bystander, Buffy first print)

LPC 36 There is no LPC 36.

LPC 37 A True Classic Goldfinger (Alternate art Mastermind for Legendary: Bond at GenCon 2019)

LPC 38 House of M / No More Mutants (alternate art for transforming scheme, Revelations Promo at GenCon 2019)

LPC 39 A Perfect Organism (Alternate art for Legendary: Alien Covenant at GenCon 2019)

LPC 40 Operation Bedlam (Alternate art Bond Hero from the 2020 Bond Expansion)

LPC 41 Adam Warlock - Manifest the Soul Gem (Alternate art, Into the Cosmos Promo)

LPC 42 Magneto (Mastermind, Acrylic)

LPC 43 Red Skull (Mastermind, Acrylic)

LPC 44 Multiple Man - Reabsorb Duplicates (Alternate art, Messiah Complex Promo)

LPC 45 Magneto - Mastermind (Alternate art, UD Store purchase)

LPC 46 Red Skull - Mastermind (Alternate art, UD Store purchase)

LPC 47 Captain America - A Day Unlike Any Other (Alternate art, UD Store purchase)

LPC 48 Iron Man - Quantum Breakthrough (Alternate art, UD Store purchase)

LPC 49 Neo (The Matrix) - The One (Alternate art, for Legendary Encounters: The Matrix, GenCon 2022)

LPC 50 Train Black Widows in the Red Room (Alternate art, for top 16 players at GenCon 2022 $5,000 championship; ordering
Black Widow through Upper Deck)

LPC 51 Throne’s Favor token card (Black Panther purchase at GenCon 2022)

LPC 52 Kingpin - Mastermind (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 53 Daredevil - The Man Without Fear (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 54 Galactus - Mastermind (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 55 Silver Surfer - Energy Surge (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 56 Thanos - Mastermind (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 57 Gamora - Godslayer Blade (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 58 Zombie Green Goblin - Mastermind (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 59 Ultimate Spider-Man - Hero from Another Dimension (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 60 Baron Helmut Zemo - Mastermind (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 61 Captain America, Secret Avenger - Secret Avengers Assemble (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 62 Dark Phoenix - Mastermind (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 63 Phoenix - Driven Mad by Power (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 64 Illuminati, Open Warfare - Mastermind Transformed (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 65 Gladiator Hulk - Double-Fisted Smashing (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 66 Ultron - Mastermind (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 67 Ant-Man - Pym Particles (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 68 Hela - Mastermind (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 69 Thor (Heroes of Asgard) - Royal Decree (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 70 Dormammu - Mastermind (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 71 Clea - The Purple Gem (10th Anniversary Promos, available at GenCon 2022, gold foil plus 10L logo)

LPC 72 Trash Earth With Hugest Party Ever - What If… Alternate Art Scheme, available at Gen Con 2023

LPC 73 Spider-Man (Miles Morales) - Jump Dimensions Core Set Second Edition Alternate Art, available at Gen Con 2024 Generously donated by Jalt.

Unnumbered Promos

Stan Lee - Marvel 3D card set

Legendary Encounters: Alien Conversion Kit - 2015 Alien

Legendary Encounters: Alien Conversion Kit - 2015 Aliens

Legendary Encounters: Alien Conversion Kit - 2015 Alien3

Legendary Encounters: Alien Conversion Kit - 2015 Alien Resurrection